March 13th, 2024
Many of you guys showed your interest towards the Flickr combat on our web site by sending us submissions with your pictures. To make things easier and more organized for you, we have created groups on Flickr where you can post those photos you want to suggest us for entering the combat, whenever you have something interesting to show us. So here they are:
Hot Babes for FlickrCombat
Cool Cars for FlickrCombat
Dog Pictures for FlickrCombat
Cutest Cats for FlickrCombat
Hot Guys for FlickrCombat
Views for FlickrCombat
Art Pictures for FlickrCombat
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February 19th, 2024
Please welcome the brand new “Picture of the Day” and “Tell a Friend”.
What we offer our users is the best of Flickr, but if you want the best of the best, crème de la crème, the cherry on top, the feature “Picture of the Day” gives you the opportunity to enjoy this daily. So anytime you feel like subscribing (easy as pie, we promise you), just check out the upper right corner on the home page.

“Tell a Friend” is another facility that will make the life a lot easier for those whose eyes pop when seeing a certain picture and really want to share it with their friends, instantly, without much effort. This feature can be found in the details, under each picture. Seen any interesting photo lately? What are you waiting for? Just tell a friend about it!

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February 14th, 2024
We have prepared some goodies for you lately. To make things more interesting, our IT superheroes implemented two new features. I know you’re eager to find out what, but you’ll have to wait a couple more days. So stay tuned too see what’s cooking for you.
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December 11th, 2006
Lots of people have asked us on the rank formula, so here it is. We would really appreciate it if you helped us with ideas or told us your opinion on how you think the rank should be computed.
Criteria for a good formula :
1. more wins -> increase the rank
2. more defeats -> lower the rank
3. new photos -> neutral rank
4. the tops should not bounce; newcomers should not reach the top too easy.
In the picture below you can see the rank, resulted from the number of defeats and wins. On the horizontal axis, we have defeats / battlesMax and wins / battlesMax (where battlesMax is the maximum number of battles ever reached by a picture)
The way it works :
- a new photo enters the rank of 50%.
- with every defeat, it goes along the blue line (lower rank)
- with every win, it goes along the orange line (higher rank)
- it takes a while for the newcomers to reach the top (this is natural because it takes time to raise enough votes to enter the top)

Posted in Technicall | 3 Comments »
December 5th, 2006
Finally, we’re ready with the first beta-version! is about discovering nice pictures, choosing what you like and see how other people think.
No matter if you like us or not, we’d love to hear from you.
Welcome and happy combat everybody !
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